Center of the Known Photographic Universe
Interesting Camera Related Sites
Below are a list of sites related to photographic equipment and camera collecting. We do not list sites that display photography as art, but would consider listing lists of photographic art sites. We will list commercial sites, our competitors in the photographic marketplace, as a service to you. We figure you'll find them anyway, and we want to make getting around on the web as easy as possible. We also list camera manufactures' pages.
We can't know where everything is, and new stuff appears constantly. If you have, or know of a site that should be listed, please E-mail us at staff@pacificrimcamera.com
Collector/Enthusiast Sites
Canon Camera Museum An online museum covering Canon products.
Canon Historical Society Something I am trying to get off of the ground if I can find the time.
Peter Kitchingman's Canon RF Site Peter has written the book on Canon rangefinder lenses, and is working on accessories and cameras.
Graflex.org All things Graflex.
Nikon F Collection & Typology Richard de Stoutz great Nikon F site.
Nikon Historical Society The website for one of the best run photohistorical societies
Nikon Kenkyukai Tokyo A Japanese camera club for Nikon
NikonGear.com Nikon forums
Nikonians Nikon forums
Roland's Nikon Pages Roland Vinks pages, with lots of serial number data.
Fred Sherfy's "Unofficial Pentax Collectors Web Site" Fred’s webpage is geared towards pre-1959 Pentax, and the Asahiflex.
Camera Oddities A site dedicated less to cameras, than to camera related objects.
Innovative Cameras Massimo Bertacchi's look at innovative cameras, in a mix of English and Italian,
National Museum of Photography, Film & Television
OrphanCameras.com Mike Butkus' free manuals library
Photographic Collectors' Club of Great Britain One of the earliest photographic collectors’ societies.
Stephen Gandy's CameraQuest Stephen has dozens of interesting articles on camera collecting on his site, which are a treasure trove of information.
Manufacturer's Sites
Photographic Retailers
Camerabooks.com The most complete source of reference books dealing with photography and camera collecting on the net.
Classic Cameras BPW Ltd.
Cliff Travis' All Seasons Camera
Collectible Cameras Sandy Ritz
Grays of Westminster A British store specializing in Nikon
Lionel Hughes: Photographica An English dealer who is a good source of British and European cameras.
Stephen Gandy's CameraQuest Stephen’s site is hard to pigeonhole. He is the official importer of Voigtlander to the US. He also carries a small amount of used and collectible equipment on his site.
The Frugal Photographer A great source of obsolete film sizes.
Other Useful Utilities
Camera Shopper Magazine
Camerarepair.com Bruce Sirovich's site, he also sells pre- serviced used equipment.
John White's Nikon AI service.