Contact and Ordering Information
...and other important stuff
How to contact us/order things
The best way to contact us is by email. As we have more than one person answering questions, and a different couple of people handling orders, it helps us to have a paper trail (electron trail…how about an email trail) to keep us from asking questions you’ve already given us the answers to. Any time you see this-
E-mail us at staff@pacificrimcamera.com
Sometimes it is just easier to call. Our phone number is 503-370-7461. There is usually someone here from about 9AM until 6PM weekdays, slightly shorter hours on weekends, although our schedules are flexible. If you get the machine, please leave a message and we will call you back a soon as we can.
We’ve given up on having a fax machine. Very few people were using it to order, but we were getting an enormous number of fax offers for affordable vacation packages in Cancun and low rates on credit card processing.
Ordering can be done using our order form on the website ( a link to which can be found on the catalog pages on the bottom), or just by sending us an email with a list of what you want. Please give us our item number and a description, even if it is a short one. That helps if you transpose a couple of numbers or leave a number out of our item number. Either way we will hold the items for you and respond with an email about availability and shipping cost/options.
Warranties, problems and such...
All items are sold as-is. Some of this stuff is older than dirt. Other stuff isn't. We try as best we can to list defects, and accurately describe what we are selling. Assume that all items are working- shutters open and close, meters respond to light. We don't test anything for accuracy. We do offer a generous 14 day return privilege for anything except parts cameras that you buy, provided the item is returned in the same condition it was shipped. You may return anything for any reason, even if you just plain change your mind, without a restocking fee. If you do decide to return an item, please let us know it's coming so we can expect it, and why it's coming back (that way we won't put a defective camera back into inventory without noting or fixing the defect).
We have made mistakes before. We have sent packages to the wrong people. We have sent packages to the wrong country. We've lost orders and forgotten to call people back. We will make more mistakes. (I shudder to think what new ways of making mistakes E-mail will provide). In spite of this, we have built a loyal customer base. Some of our best customers are customers who at one time or another have had their orders screwed up! We believe in what we sell, we believe in service, and if something goes wrong, we believe in making it right. We know that word gets around in the collector world, especially with all of the forums and blogs on the internet. Payment and shipping
All prices are in US dollars. We accept payment by PayPal, Visa, Matercard, Discover or American Express. We can also accept payment by check or money order in US funds drawn on a US bank. Prices do not include shipping, and foreign customers may be liable for import duty or tax levied by your government.
Our default method of shipping most things is by US Mail. Most domestic orders will go Priority Mail, unless they are very large and/or heavy. International orders will depend upon weight and value. First Class Mail is only available for packages weighing four pounds or less. It is not tracked to most countries, so we generally limit the package value to about $40. Priority Mail International is more expensive, but is tracked and has a much higher weight limit (it varies by country).
We can also ship by UPS and FedEx upon request.
Our mailing address is: