Photographica Pages
An online guide to collectable cameras and related stuff
Alpa 10d, 10s and 10f
The Alpa 10d was introduced in 1968 and was a major improvement mechanically. The shutter speed
dial no longer rotated during exposure, and the speeds were equidistant on the dial. There was a
second meter needle visible through a window in the accessory shoe, so you could meter without
having the camera held to your eye (which is helpful when working on a copy stand or microscope).
It had the compensating meter, in which one of the three CdS cells is pointed back towards the
eyepiece to measure stray light coming in and subtracting that from the exposure to insure correct
Most were finished in silver chrome, but 946 were finished in black crinkle paint, 101 were gold plated
(with a variety of leather colors available. Also, 117 were marked “Revue Alpa”. Also, 27 were produced
in half frame format. Total production was 2540 cameras, being discontinued in 1974. Serial numbers
ran from 52501 to 57100, and it was dropped from production in 1974. Cameras destined for the US
marked had a red emblem attached to the front. Cameras for other markets lacked it.
A simplified version was produced as the 10s without the compensating meter, and lacking the meter
lock and the self timer. It was sold with a 50mm Schneider Xenon to reduce the price. 186 were
produced, some in black finish, and some in half frame. Serial numbers ran from 57101 to 57198, plus
half frame models with numbers between 56702 and 57107.
The 10f was a meterless version of which 24 were built, some of which may have been half frame.