Photographica Pages
An online guide to collectable cameras and related stuff
Zeiss Ikon Contaflex TLR Camera
Zeiss Ikon Contaflex TLR Lenses
Zeiss Ikon Contaflex TLR Accessories
Zeiss Ikon Contaflex I, II, II and IV
Zeiss Ikon Contaflex Alpha and Beta
Zeiss Ikon Contaflex Super (Old Style)
Zeiss Ikon Contaflex Super New
Zeiss Ikon Contaflex Super BC/Contaflex S
Zeiss Ikon Teleskop 1.7x (Contaflex I and II)
Zeiss Ikon Steritar A (Contaflex I and II)
35mm Zeiss Pro-Tessar for Contaflex
85mm Zeiss Pro-Tessar for Contaflex
115mm Zeiss Pro-Tessar for Contaflex
50mm Zeiss Pro-Tessar M 1:1 for Contaflex
Zeiss Ikon Steritar B for Contaflex
Zeiss Ikon Near Steritar for Contaflex
30/4 Zeiss Pantar for Contaflex
75/4 Zeiss Pantar for Contaflex
Zeiss Ikon Steritar D for Contaflex
25/4 Zeiss Distagon for Contaflex 126
32/2.8 Zeiss Distagon for Contaflex 126
45/2.8 Zeiss Color-Pantar for Contaflex 126
45/2.8 Zeiss Tessar for Contaflex 126
85/2.8 Zeiss Sonnar for Contaflex 126
135/4 Zeiss Tele-Tessar for Contaflex 126
200/4 Zeiss Tele-Tessar for Contaflex 126