Photographica Pages
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16/2.8 Zeiss F-Distagon for Contarex
This is a full frame fisheye lens. Like most fisheye lenses, it does not have a
provision for front mounted filters, but has a built-in filter wheel with OR57
orange, Y50 yellow, B11 blue and UV filters. The built in shade is barely taller
that the apex of the front element, leaving it largely unprotected. The late
introduction date, combined with the limited applications for a fisheye lens
make it very difficult to find today.
The Zeiss product code for the lens is 11.2442.
Years produced
Quantity produced Black or chrome
Angle of view Elements/groups Filter size
150 Black 180 degrees 8/7 Internal
Years produced | Quantity produced | Black or chrome | Angle of view | Elements/groups | Filter size |
1973 | 150 | Black | 180 degrees | 8/7 | Internal |