Photographica Pages
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500/4.5 Zeiss Mirotar for Contarex
The 500/4.5 Zeiss Mirotar is a catradioptic (mirror) lens. Most 500mm mirror lenses are f/8. Nippon
Kogaku produced one that was f/5. This one is faster yet. Due to it's size, and probably due more to it's
high price (which was $1312 in 1968) it is very difficult to find today.
The Zeiss product code for the lens is 11.2420.
Years produced
Quantity produced Black or chrome
Angle of view Elements/groups Filter size
<1964-197063 200 Black 5 degrees N/A S49
Years produced | Quantity produced | Black or chrome | Angle of view | Elements/groups | Filter size |
<1964-197063 | 200 | Black | 5 degrees | N/A | S49 |