Photographica Pages
An online guide to collectable cameras and related stuff
50/4 Zeiss S-Planar for Contarex
A macro lens which only focuses from24 and 60cm. The distance scale is marked in reproduction
ratios rather than distance. This was an expensive special purpose lens (it cost $269 in 1968, when the
55/1.4 cost $239, and the 50/2 $189), so it's not much of a surprise that it is rare both in black finish
and chrome.
The Zeiss product code for the lens is 11.2415.
Years produced
Quantity produced Black or chrome
Angle of view Elements/groups Filter size
400 Black or chrome 47 degrees 6/4 B56 and
Years produced | Quantity produced | Black or chrome | Angle of view | Elements/groups | Filter size |
1963-1966 | 400 | Black or chrome | 47 degrees | 6/4 | B56 and S49 |