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85/2 Zeiss Sonnar for Contarex

The 85/2 Sonnar in chrome finish.

The 85/2 Sonnar in black finish.
This was a fairly popular lens in spite of the fact that it cost $239 in 1968. It was basically the same
successful design introduced for the Contax I in the 1930's, and it remained in production during the
entire length of Contarex availablity.

The 85/2 Sonnar in chrome finish.
The 85/2 Sonnar in black finish.
The Zeiss product code for the lens is 11.2404.
Years produced | Quantity produced | Black or chrome | Angle of view | Elements/groups | Filter size |
1958-1973 | 7585 | Black or chrome | 29 degrees | 7/3 | B56 and S49 |