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21/4 Nikkor for Rangefinder
In June of 1959 Nippon Kogaku introduced the widest rangefinder lens they ever produced. This was
just months before they sounded the death knell of the rangefinder era with the introduction of the
Nikon F. Production in rangefinder mount was limited to about 600, although it is reasonably common
in reflex mount. Serial numbers start at 621001 (reflex mount serial numbers start at 220101). The
lens was provided with a finder that slipped into a shoe on the end of the rear lens cap. A shade was
also available, but it is extremely rare.

The 21/4 Nikkor for rangefinder

With rear cap removed.

With finder stowed on rear cap.

The 21/4 Nikkor for rangefinder
With rear cap removed.
With finder stowed on rear cap.